The automated theorem proving systems
competition CASC is
held each
year at the major conference
CADE/IJCAR (International Conference on
Automated Reasoning) in the field. The theorem prover
Darwin, jointly
developed at the University of Iowa, USA (Alexander
Fuchs, Cesare Tinelli) and NICTA's Logic and Computation program
(Peter Baumgartner, Canberra) participated
at this years
during IJCAR
2006 in Seattle, USA.
Darwin was entered in four categories. It won the so-called EPR category (function-free clause logic, which is relevant, for instance, in database contexts) and scored third in the SAT category (satisfiable first-order logic formulas).
In the 2007 edition of CASC, Darwin won the EPR category again and scored third in the SAT and FNT categories.